Care of Small Furries and Exotic Pets.
We do not specialise in the exotic animals, but we deal with most of the less exotic small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs and rodents. When we cannot treat a particular species we will try to direct you to a vet with the suitable experience and specialised knowledge to help.
We include a few links here to healthcare topics for the small furries you may have as pets:
RABBITS: There is a healthcare guide here, and a guide to vaccination here.
GUINEA PIGS: The site Guinea Lynx has useful information.
RATS: For rats, National Fancy Rat Society is a good source of information.
These links are useful starting points for information on the various species listed, but please be aware that we have no control over their content, and whilst it may have been suitable when we posted the link we may not be aware of any changes made since.